Daylighting Tunnel 2 on the Camas Prairie Second Sub - and other photos from Jim Morefield.

Camas Prairie Railnet's Chief Engineer Jim Morefield has shared these photos of tunnel number 2 on the second sub being daylighted in July 1963.


Jim has also been kind enough to add these earlier shots of the tunnel 2 portal.



This magazine clipping shows the Dec. 13, 1966 wreck that occurred when Bridge 30 collapsed. This photo by John Henderson shows the fill and a couple of the damages cars.

Jim also sent this old photo of bridge 3 just above Konkolville from an undated Clearwater Tribune.

Jim also passed along this more recent photo. "36-1 was just uphill from the second signal crossing out of Headquarters. The track went into a deep cut just off the highway and about 200 yards later, crossed the bridge. In the movie "Breakheart Pass", this is where Bronson tossed Archie Moore off the train while on the bridge.


Here are the latest photos from Jim Morefield. Jim adds "We have seen the 'before' pictures when the roundhouse was standing so I submit to you a couple of photos that I had no idea existed. A locomotive can be used for many things including demolition of structures!"